an AcComplished leader

Hailed by the New York Times as part of "a major revolution in racial politics in America."

  • Led the Anti-Casino campaign that defeated Mayor Stoney and his cronies
  • Recognized as an early champion of women's rights
  • Helped create bipartisan, biracial coalitions that have improved Richmond and Virginia
  • Initiated budgetary reforms, helping make VA the "Best Managed State" in the country
  • Advised Wilder, Kaine and Warner on educational and financial reforms
  • Recognized leader in making city government more transparent and accessible

Richmond needs change now.

There's a reason why I'm the only candidate who not only opposed Stoney's Casino, but led the No Casino campaign against it. I have the right priorities. After public safety, job #1 is to fix the Richmond Public Schools. Senator Kaine and I have worked for 15 years on this. But RVA elected leaders - Democrats all - see a taxpayer subsidized baseball stadium or Casino or patronage jobs for their cronies as a more important priority.  That's wrong. City government finances are out of control fueled by the wrong priorities.

RVA’s kids have to come first. 

We are failing to teach the basics in school, and we have elected leaders who forgot the basics of how to lead a city. Most people know me through my having been Doug Wilder's campaign manager in his historic efforts. But my record, as you will see, has achievements in public finance, women's rights and local government reforms.  If you're tired of RVA's status quo politics that keeps taxes too high and educational learning too low, then I ask for your vote. We need new leadership; it's time for a change.

GolDMan in the News

Promoting Schools

“Paul Goldman, the political strategist and former Virginia Democratic Party chairman, has for years pushed the concept of extending those tax credits to the rehabilitation of schools. By modernizing older, existing schools, you avoid the expense of building new ones--especially high schools that around here would now cost in excess of $50 million to construct. You also avoid having to find and buy the land while pursuing the time-consuming and often rancorous planning and construction process.” 

Promoting Diversity

On a cloudless late October day, Paul Goldman steered his cluttered compact through noontime traffic in the Confederate capital and contemplated the storm gathering on his personal horizon. Goldman, a transplanted New Yorker who had almost single-handedly managed Douglas Wilder’s historic campaign for lieutenant governor of Virginia, knew that victory astonishingly was within grasp. Seven days remained, however, and forces were massing that, in a week, might crush Wilder’s hopes of becoming the first black elected to statewide executive office in the South in the 20th Century. 

Promoting Responsible Spending

“The Paul Goldman plan to modernize our schools rightfully recognizes that we spend a disproportionate share of the taxpayers’ dollars on big salaries for bureaucrats at the expense of fixing problems like crumbling schools.”

Promoting Tax-Credit

“THE PERSON MOST RESPONSIBLE for promoting this tax-credit policy idea beyond the confines of Maggie L. Walker is Paul Goldman, a longtime Democratic political strategist in Virginia, who has championed this proposal's merits for more than a decade.” 


Restructure the broken budget, finance and bond policies

Every RPS student graduates college ready or with a job skill

10% overall reduction in city taxes

Empower city neighborhood civic associations

$50,000,000 cost reduction in city government

A professionally competent and educated chief administrative officer

Merit only in hiring and awarding city contracts

Vote Goldman












Change In action.

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